Insurance Reports

You may view reports for your electronic claims by clicking on the Insurance link in the left-hand navigation.

Insurance reports

Pending Claims

This view has a list of all of the sessions that have been completed but have not yet had an electronic claim created. This list may be filtered by provider and notes completion status.

Pending claims

Client - the client for this session

Service Date(s) - the date(s) of service

Billable Amount - the amount to be billed to insurance

Payer - the name of the payer the client is insured with

Provider(s) - the clinician(s) who provided the service

Create a claim from Pending Claims

By clicking +Add, a pending claim may be created. After clicking the button, a popup will allow you to select which dates of service to include. You will also see a notification if notes have not yet been completed for the session(s). You may also select which policy to use when submitting the claim.

Initiate a new electronic claim


The claims report will show you a list of all claims that have been created and their status. This view may be filtered by provider and/or payer.

Claims report

ID - the Sessions Health claim id

Service Date(s) - the dates of service

Amount - the amount billed to the payer

Payer - the client's insurance company

Submitted Date - the date the claim was submitted to the clearinghouse

Accepted Date - the date the payer accepted the claim from the clearinghouse


The payments view will show all of the remittance ERA information received from payers. When remittance information covers multiple claims, all of the claims will be linked under Related Claims.

List of payments

Date - date the remittance was received

Payer - the company who made the payment

Payment Date - the date the payment was sent

EFT/Check # - the identifier used by the payer for the payment

Amount - the amount of the payment

Related Claims - all claims associated with the payment

View - a link to view the payment details

Manually enter payments that span multiple claims

From the Insurance > Payments screen you may enter payment information that spans multiple claims. Click the +Add button in the upper-right corner to manually enter this type of insurance payment.

From the New Insurance Payment modal, select the Payer from the dropdown and the Service Date Start / End that the payment covers.

Choose which clients & services are included in the payment by clicking the checkbox next to the relevant options. Then, enter the Client Owes and Insurance Paid amount and click the calculator to render the Write-Off.  If you are unable to save the manual payment, it's likely because an amount must be entered in every box, even if it is $0.

Enter the payment information

Finally, you may enter the Payment Date and Payment Number and click Save to save the payment information.

Save the payment
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