For group practices who need to do payroll, there are several reports in the Insights page that you may find helpful.
Income Allocation report
The Income Allocation report takes into account payments and refunds based on the actual posted date to your account. This is to avoid having historical revenue change after a payroll period has passed. This means that if a payment is back-dated, the payment date will remain as the date posted to your account. Similarly, if an insurance EOB is returned with a prior paid date, the payment date in this report will be the date the payment was recorded to your account. All payments and refunds are included in this report. Credits added or used for payments are not included in this report. If you have more than one practitioner added to your account, you may filter on each practitioner. If a practitioner no longer exists, you may see those payments by filtering "All".
Payments report
The Payments report is similar to the Income Allocation report but does not include refunded transactions, services, and service dates.

Revenue report
The Revenue report is an aggregate view of the Payments report, grouped by practitioner. This report only includes active practitioners.

Note: The Income Allocation, Payments, and Revenue reports don't reflect any fees deducted by Stripe. That information may be obtained from your Stripe dashboard.
If you need further calculations to do payroll such as calculating a percentage split, these reports may be downloaded in .CSV format by clicking Download. You may open the .CSV file in Excel or another accounting program for further calculations.