Client Bills


Billing Basics

Credit Card Authorization

Working with Bills and Superbills

Billing for Minors

Configuring and Managing Superbills

Billing Automation

Pre-pay for an Appointment

Tracking Payments from Headway or Alma


Create a client bill

Note: You may automate the creation of bills to be created daily or monthly. See our Billing Automation article for more details.

Once you have completed a client session that contains a "Billable Service" with an amount greater than $0, the unbilled session will appear in two different places. You can view the unbilled session in the Unbilled section of the Client Billing page.

Client Billing Page

You can also view the unbilled session(s) under the client's Billing > Documents tab.

Client's Billing Documents

Clicking on the unbilled session will take you to a screen where you can choose the sessions (if there is more than one unbilled session) to add to a bill.

New Bill

When creating a bill, you can change the billing responsibility, edit services (by clicking on "..."), change the price, change the co-pay / co-insurance (if billing responsibility is insurance), add comments, and select when the bill is due. Click the Create Bill button to create the bill.


Create a billing statement

Billing statements can be created from a client's chart on the Billing > Documents tab. Click New... then select Statement to create a new statement.

Statement option

You will be prompted to select a date range for the statement and add optional comments.

Select a date range

After clicking Create Statement, you will be taken to the statement details screen where it can be downloaded as PDF or shared.


Sharing a bill

Note: You may automatically share your billing documents. See our Automatically sharing bills and superbills article for details on setting that up. You may also exclude billing document PDFs in the email and only share them through the client portal. You may adjust this from your Billing Settings > Billing tab in the Bill Settings section.

Once the bill is created, you can open the bill and click "..." in the upper right corner, then select Share... or you can click Share at the top of the page.

Share a Bill

Once it's shared, you'll see a Shared indicator.

Shared bill

If you have automated sharing of bills enabled and the bill hasn't been shared yet, you'll see a clock icon next to the Shared indicator. You may hover over to see when the bill is scheduled to be shared.

Shared time

Once a bill is shared and you have Online Payments enabled, an email is sent to the client with a link to pay the bill. Your client may also login to the portal to view and pay bills.


Processing a client payment

Note: You may automatically collect credit card payments nightly when Autopay is enabled. See our Billing Automation article for more details.

Once a bill is generated, you are now ready to process a client payment. All unpaid bills will appear in the Open section of the Client Billing page and the client's Billing > Documents tab. Click into the bill and click the Add Payment button.

If the billing responsibility is Insurance, you'll be presented with an option to add the Client or Insurance payment. Otherwise, it'll take you through the client payment module. See Record an insurance payment article for details on insurance payments.

Add payment

You will be presented will the following modal.

Payment modal

You can then enter the client payment amount using various payment types.

  1. Credit/Debit/HSA Card
  2. Cash/Check
  3. Credit/Discount (Credit here refers to credit the client may have with you via a prepayment, over-payment, or reimbursement.)
  4. Other

If you have set up Stripe to collect payment, you can select Credit/Debit/HSA Card, then check the Online Payment? box. If you don't already have the client's credit card entered, you may click Add Card. Otherwise, the credit card will be displayed.

Important: The Online Payment? box must be checked in order to run the payment through Stripe.

Add a card

Once the payment method is selected, you may edit the payment date and time (for offline payments) and add any notes. Click the Add Payment button to apply the payment to the bill.

Viewing an online payment in Stripe

If you have collected an online payment, you can easily see the associated payment in Stripe. Click the '...' menu next to an online payment transaction on a bill. Click the View in Stripe link to be taken to the transaction in Stripe.

View transaction in Stripe


Cancel a bill

To cancel or delete an invoice or bill, first navigate to an individual bill. Then click the '...' menu.

Form here you can select "cancel."

Cancel a Bill

Note: If there have been payments toward this bill, you will first need to refund each payment. Once all payments have been refunded, you will be able to delete or cancel the invoice or bill.


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