Checking the Status of Shared Consents, Intake Forms and Assessments

To check the status of your client's documents, navigate to the Forms & Documents section in your account, then select Documents. From this page, you can choose the relevant tab corresponding to the type of form you wish to check. This will allow you to view the current status of each document and send reminders to your clients about incomplete documents.

Document Status Screen

The screen will display:

  • Client
  • Name - Name of the form
  • Shared At - the time the form was shared
  • Completed At - The time the form was completed (if completed)
  • Status - the status of the form
  • Next Appointment - the date of the client's next scheduled appointment


The statuses on the form can be of:

Complete - The client has completed the form

Incomplete - The client has not completed the form

Pending Countersignature - The clinician still needs to sign this form

Countersigned - The clinician has countersigned the form


Clicking the Filter button will bring up a panel of filters.

Documents Filter

Client Status - Filter by Active or Inactive clients (default is only active clients)

Status - Allows you to filter the documents by status

Form Type - Allows you to filter according to a specific form type

Date Range - Allows you to filter by a date range

Rendering Provider - Allows you to filter according to a specific provider

All - Show all forms

Filters can be combined to narrow or expand results. All filters except Form Type are persisted across tabs.

Note: Forms can be downloaded as PDF by clicking the '...' menu to the right of the form and selecting

Reminding clients of incomplete paperwork

Any form that had a gray Incomplete flag may be selected to send a reminder to the client to complete. Click the '...' menu at the far right side of a document and select Send Reminder.

Send Reminder

A popup will show all incomplete forms for this client. You can modify the list of documents to include by checking and unchecking individual documents before sending the reminder. The email text can also be customized before sending it out.

Reminder Email

[[Documents List]] is a placeholder for inserting all of the selected documents' names, each on a new line. [[Link to Portal]] is a placeholder for the actual link the client can use to get to the portal. We recommend keeping these placeholders intact.

Once sent, you can verify the time and date that the reminder was sent by hovering over the status icon.

Status Icon

Clients will receive an email with a list of the documents, the message, and a button to click to go to the client portal.

Client's paperwork reminder email
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