Account Insights Dashboard
The Account Insights Dashboard provides a high-level overview of your account’s financial reports.

To the far right corner of the Insights page you may filter the dashboard, if you are a group practice, by clinician or view all.

The Revenue panel shows the calculation of all recorded payments over the last 30 days.
Projected Revenue is calculated by looking at the service cost for all scheduled appointments over the next 30 days.
Clients shows the number of clients over the past 30 days and whether there is an increase or decrease in clients over the previous period.
Sessions calculates the number of sessions held over the last 30 days and whether there is an increase or decrease over the previous period.
Revenue over time (Bar Chart)
You may filter the chart to display Revenue, Clients or Sessions over a period of time from the last 30 days, the last 12 weeks or the last 12 months.
Permissions: Depending on the Members’ role, the permissions access may be limited.

Administrators with a Practitioner role: can view clients revenue, and sessions over time.
Administrators without a Practitioner role: can view clients and sessions over time.
Practitioners: can view their assigned clients, revenue and sessions over time.