Clients: Sharing Clients With Other Practitioners

Sessions Health provides a way to share clients’ information across multiple practitioners within a group practice. This feature is especially useful when different specialists or providers are involved with the same client, ensuring that each practitioner has access only to the relevant information they need.

Steps to Manage and Share Access to a Client:

  • Step 1: Open the client’s chart: Clients > [Client Name] > View

  • Step 2: Navigate to the "..." menu to top right of the chart.
Add access to the client record.

  • Step 3: Select the Manage Access options.

  • Step 4: Select the practitioners you'd like to have access to the client record and Save.
Allow practitioner access

Setting Up Multiple Client Profiles for Privacy or Different Disciplines

There may be times when practitioners need to "share" a client record across different treatment modalities or when you want to create separate profiles for the same client. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and manage these profiles. Note: this action may only be initiated by an administrator on the account.

Step 1: Create your first client profile if not already created in the system: Clients > +Add > Individual > Create. Assign the first practitioner to this client.

Note: If there is an existing client record, please skip Step 1.

Step 2: Create another client profile with the same name and exclude the email address.

Step 3: From the second client's Portal tab, click the "+" to add a contact. Choose Existing contact and search for the first client to add as the contact. In the Relationship to Client field, you may add Self, and save.

Adding contact profile with the same name

Step 4: From the second profile's Portal tab, Invite the first client to the portal, and toggle the button to yes to manage information.

Enable portal access for profile two.

Note: Your first client will now have an additional login in their Portal account.

Client's view of their two profiles

Step 5: The administrator may assign the second client profile to the second practitioner.

Client List View: One client, two charts for two separate practitioners

Step 6: The second therapist can now send the second client profile intake documents via their portal tab.

Client's Portal View: Single client portal: two profiles
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