Client Portal View: Information

This guide outlines how clients can keep their portal profile updated with accurate information, such as Demographics, Contact Information, and Communication Preferences.

After logging into their portal account, clients can find the Information tab in the toolbar menu at the top center of the page.

Information Toolbar

Update Your Name Details

In the Name section, select the blue Edit button to expand the dialog box to update your Full Name, Pronouns (optional), or Legal Name.

Edit Name

Use the grey Add Legal Name button to add a legal name or the Remove Legal Name button to delete it. Click the Save button to update your changes.

Add Legal Name

Remove Legal Name

Edit Demographics

Scroll down to the Demographics section and click the blue Edit button to update your Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY), select Sex or Prefer Not to Say from the dropdown list, or optionally enter a Gender Identity. Remember to save your changes.

Edit Demographics

Sex Dropdown Options

Modify Contact Information

Locate the Contact Information section and click the blue Edit icon to add, remove, or change your Phone Number, Address or assign a time zone.

Edit Contact Information

To update your Primary Phone Number, clear the current number and enter the new one.

To add additional numbers, click the grey Add button under Other Phone Numbers, select the type (home, cell, work, fax, or other) from the dropdown, and enter the details. To remove an other number, click the grey Remove button next to the number you wish delete.

Add/Remove Primary/Other Phone Numbers

Other Phone Numbers Types

To update your address, edit the fields for street, city, state, and ZIP code. To add a secondary address, click the Add button and enter the details, ensuring the appropriate address is marked as Primary. To remove an address, click the grey Remove button next to it, then Save you changes.

Remove, Add or set an address as Primary

The final section within the Contact Information dialog box is for assigning or updating your Time Zone to ensure you receive appointment details.

Select your current time zone from the dropdown menu (e.g., Pacific Time (US & Canada)) and Save your changes.

Assign a Time Zone

Adjust Contact Preferences

Under Contact Preferences, click the Edit button to adjust your communication settings.

  1. You can check or uncheck the ‘Ok to send email appointment reminders’ box to opt in or out of receiving emails and appointment reminders from your practitioner.
  2. For phone preferences, select or deselect the checkboxes "Ok to call/text" or "Ok to send voice/text appointment reminders" to provide or deny consent.
  3. Additionally, choose your preferred communication method by selecting the radio button for Text Message or Phone Call.

Remember to save your preferences after making changes.

Adjust Contact Preferences
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