Client Portal View: Multiple Profiles

This support tutorial explains how clients may see multiple profiles on their dashboard after accepting their portal invitation. Specifically, it covers situations where a client is an individual, a member of a family, or listed as a contact for a minor. This guide aims to help you navigate and understand the layout of client profiles to ensure smooth management of client information.

If a client is an Individual, a Member of a family, or listed as a Contact for a minor, they will see multiple profiles on their dashboard after accepting their portal invitation.

Multiple Profiles Dashboard

For the individual profile, clients will click the box with their name. Upon clicking their name, first-time users will be guided through prompts to enter their demographic details, contact information, and communication preferences.

Once their information is entered, they will come to a screen with tabs that include: Documents & Forms, Appointments, Information, and Billing.

Note: Clients can access specific features within each profile, as designated in each respective Portal tab in a client chart.

To switch between profiles, clients can click the drop down at the top left corner of the portal.

Switching Profiles

If there are any pending tasks for the client, a red notification will appear, displaying the number of tasks that need to be completed. Upon clicking the dropdown menu, the notification will be shown next to the profile associated with the outstanding tasks.

Pending Tasks
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