Superbills: For Practices with Multiple Tax IDs

Some group practices have more than one tax ID and/or location and need that information to populate on superbills for their clients. You are able to do this through Sessions Health by following the steps below.

  1. Create a payer location

While this is applicable for self-pay clients, you will use the insurance features of Sessions Health to set it up.

Navigate to Billing Settings > Insurance > Payers > + Add.

  • In the pop-up window, create a name to identify the location. For example, if I was a practice with locations in different states, I might use the name "CA Location."
  • Payer ID should be left blank.
  • For Insurance Type, select Other Insurance from the dropdown.
  • Address, phone, and fax can all be left blank.
  • Select Save.
Create a location as a payer
  1. Set up a customization

Navigate to Billing Settings > Insurance > scroll to the bottom and select +Add Customization.

  • In the pop-up window, select the location payer you created in Step 1 from the Payer dropdown.
  • Enter that location’s Tax ID/EIN (if different from the other office location).
  • Select the Custom button under Which address will be used for the Billing Provider in Box 33? and enter that location’s address so it will populate on the superbill when selected.
  • Add any other customizations you would like to apply to this location and then save.
Add Customization

Assign the location to the client's chart

For new or existing clients, navigate to their chart > Billing > Settings.

  • For self-pay clients, you can leave their Billing Responsibility as Self-Pay.
  • Scroll down to Insurance and select Add Policy.
  • In the New Insurance Policy dialog box, select the location payer you set up in step 1 (e.g., CA location) from the Payer dropdown.
  • Since the system requires a Member ID, enter 0 as a placeholder.
  • Then save.

Once all of these steps are completed, any superbills created for that client will pull up the information for your location set up in the insurance customization.

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