Superbills: Automatic Sharing
Billing automation includes the ability to automatically share superbills. When enabled, a superbill will be shared with the client or an assigned billing contact if one exists. Superbills are shared via email after a pre-defined time after the superbill is created.
Client-level settings
Automatically sharing of superbills can be turned on or off within a client's Billing > Settings tab. You will also designate when superbills will be shared after they are created to give you time to make changes.

Account Settings
To set a default for any new clients added to your account, go to the Billing Settings > Billing tab and click Edit within the Billing Automation section. Any clients already in your account before superbill sharing automation is enabled, will need to have their individual billing settings set to automatically share superbills, as this setting will only apply to new clients.

Note: In order to automatically share billing documents, the client or billing contact must have a valid email address added and email permissions enabled within the Contact Preferences section of their Details tab. Once shared, the billing document PDF will be shared via email and will also be available in the client portal under their Documents & Forms tab. You may choose to exclude the billing document PDFs in the email and only share them through the client portal. You may adjust this from your Billing Settings > Billing tab in the Bill Settings section.