Billing Automation: Settings

Where to find Billing Automation settings

Permissions: This feature requires administrator permissions or the biller role. If you don't have permissions, please contact your account administrator regarding this feature.

You will find billing automation settings under Billing Settings > Billing Automation.

Billing Automation Settings

What's the difference between account-level and client-level billing automation settings?

In the Billing Automation section of your Billing Settings > Billing, here are the differences in how each automation is setup:

  • Automatically creating bills (manual, daily, weekly, monthly) will be applied to all clients within your account.
  • Automatically sharing bills and superbills are set within each client's billing settings, although the default for new clients can be set at the account level.
  • Autopay is set within each client's billing settings, but you can globally turn on/off this option at the account level. If turned off, no clients will run autopay. If turned on, only clients that have the setting enabled within their billing settings will have autopay run.
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