Insurance: Insurance Settings

Configure Electronic Claims

Permissions: This feature requires administrator permissions. If you don't have permissions, please contact your account administrator regarding this feature.

To submit claims electronically through a clearinghouse, you will first need to have Insurance Features enabled on your account. You may find this under Billing Settings > Insurance. Check the box next to Insurance features enabled? to turn it on.

Turn on insurance features

Next, review your Insurance settings. These are default settings that may be customized per payer and/or per practitioner.

EIN or SSN - Use either your business federal tax ID or your social security number, whichever was used to contract with insurance payers.

Who will be the Billing Provider in Box 33? - This refers to Box 33 on the 1500 CMS claim form. You may select either Individual or Organization. If you are a solo practitioner, you will likely want to select Individual. If you are setup as a business and use a federal tax ID, you will likely select Organization.

Billing Provider Name - This defaults to your Account Name. It may be overridden.

NPI - The NPI number to use for insurance claims. This may be a Type 1 if a solo practitioner, or a Type 2 if an organization. If you are unsure, you can check with the insurance payer to see which one was used in your contract.

Taxonomy Code - This should be the same taxonomy code associated with the NPI number used.

Which address will be used for the Billing Provider in Box 33? - You may enter a custom address or use the Primary account address of your Sessions Health account.

Phone Number - You may enter a custom phone number or use the Primary account address of your Sessions Health account.

Show Service Facility Location in Box 32? - This may be turned on or off. Some payers require it. However, for most electronic claims, this can be turned off.

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