Insurance: Insurance Settings
Configure Electronic Claims
Permissions: This feature requires administrator permissions. If you don't have permissions, please contact your account administrator regarding this feature.
To submit claims electronically through a clearinghouse, you will first need to have Insurance Features enabled on your account. You may find this under Billing Settings > Insurance. Check the box next to Insurance features enabled? to turn it on.

Next, review your Insurance settings. These are default settings that may be customized per payer and/or per practitioner.
EIN or SSN - Use either your business federal tax ID or your social security number, whichever was used to contract with insurance payers.
Who will be the Billing Provider in Box 33? - This refers to Box 33 on the 1500 CMS claim form. You may select either Individual or Organization. If you are a solo practitioner, you will likely want to select Individual. If you are setup as a business and use a federal tax ID, you will likely select Organization.
Billing Provider Name - This defaults to your Account Name. It may be overridden.
NPI - The NPI number to use for insurance claims. This may be a Type 1 if a solo practitioner, or a Type 2 if an organization. If you are unsure, you can check with the insurance payer to see which one was used in your contract.
Taxonomy Code - This should be the same taxonomy code associated with the NPI number used.
Which address will be used for the Billing Provider in Box 33? - You may enter a custom address or use the Primary account address of your Sessions Health account.
Phone Number - You may enter a custom phone number or use the Primary account address of your Sessions Health account.
Show Service Facility Location in Box 32? - This may be turned on or off. Some payers require it. However, for most electronic claims, this can be turned off.