Insurance: Remittance (ERAs and manual remittance)

Remittance is the information about how your claims were processed. It can be sent via snail mail as an EOB or delivered electronically, referred to as an ERA or electronic remittance advice.

You can choose to receive your ERAs into your Sessions Health account. If you wish to do this, you will need to submit an enrollment.

Once a claim has been submitted, you may click on the Status tab to track events. As we receive information from the clearinghouse, we also include the clearinghouse responses for more detailed information. When a claim is first created, we'll check the status at the clearinghouse in 6 hours. After that we check for status updates every 6 hours.

Claim status

If an ERA is received from the payer, we will automatically apply the payment information and mark the claim as paid. You may see the breakdown of this information on the Remittance tab for the claim.


Note: Most insurance payers will only send ERAs to one location. If you enroll in ERAs through Sessions Health, you will no longer receive them where you previously were. If you wish to receive ERAs through Sessions Health but you enroll somewhere else, they will no longer come to your Sessions Health account.

Secondary Insurance

You may enter Secondary insurance payments on the Remittance tab for a claim. Primary will come back with the patient responsibility and Secondary is submitted with the patient responsibility amount.

Manually adding remittance information

There are some fairly common scenarios where remittance information may need to be manually added. These include: 

  • Receiving remittance before an ERA is processed
  • When the payer doesn't support ERAs
  • When you are not enrolled for ERAs
  • When ERA enrollment is in progress

To manually add remittance information, navigate to the Remittance tab on the claim and then click the Add Remittance button. You may then enter the relevant information for each column according to the explanation of benefits received from the payer. You may calculate the write-off by clicking the calculator icon at the right-hand side of each service row.

Manually add remittance

Manually enter payments that span multiple claims

From the Insurance > Payments screen you may enter payment information that spans multiple claims. Click the +Add button in the upper-right corner to manually enter this type of insurance payment.

From the New Insurance Payment modal, select the Payer from the dropdown and the Service Date Start / End that the payment covers.

New Insurance Payment

Choose which clients & services are included in the payment by clicking the checkbox next to the relevant options. Then, enter the Client Owes and Insurance Paid amount and click the calculator to render the Write-Off.  If you are unable to save the manual payment, it's likely because an amount must be entered in every box, even if it is $0.

Enter the payment information

Finally, you may enter the Payment Date and Payment Number and click Save to save the payment information.

Save the payment



Where is my money from the insurance payment?

Payment from insurance payers is a direct transaction between a practice or provider and the insurance payer. While we can receive information about the payment, the payment itself does not come through Sessions Health. The insurance payer will either send a check in the mail, a virtual credit card, or will directly deposit the money into your bank account. If you are unsure, you will want to reach out to the insurance payer to inquire about how they are sending your payment.

My bank account shows that the insurance payer paid me today but the ERA is not in my Sessions Health account. Why?

There can be a delay of up to three business days between an insurance payment hitting your bank account and us receiving the ERA (and vice versa). If it has been more than three days since you received the payment and the ERA is still not showing up in your Sessions Health account, please reach out to

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