Claims: Batch Submit Claims

Electronic Claims can be submitted in a single batch. To batch submit claims, navigate to Insurance > Pending Claims. From this view, you will see all of the services that are pending submission.

Pending Submission screen

From this screen, all pending claims can be selected at once by clicking the check box at the top left. To make changes to any single claim, you can click the Edit link at the end of a row, which will bring you to the claim details.

Once you are ready to submit claims in bulk, click the Submit Selected Claims button.

Note: You can also click the down arrow button next to Submit Selected Claims to mark them in bulk as Submitted Externally.

Submit externally

You'll be presented with a confirmation popup along with a count of the total number of claims to be submitted.

Confirm submission

After confirming, you'll see a popup with a summary of the submission status and links to each claim.

Claims Queued confirmation

The claims will be moved from the Pending Submission tab to the Submitted Claims tab. From here, you can check on the status of your claims. All claims submitted will start with a Queued for Submission status and will be sent to the clearinghouse an hour after it's been submitted.



Why is there no check box next to my client's name?

Our system does a validation check before allowing a claim to be submitted to ensure all the necessary information is present. You can hover over the black circle with an "i" to see details about why this claim can not currently be created.

Can I filter the claims?

Yes, you can click Filter in the top left hand corner to filter by whether notes are completed or not, the insurance payer, the service date range, or the provider.

Pending Submission Filters

Why does my client have their dates of service split between multiple rows versus all being in the same row?

When a claim is created, but not submitted, it becomes its own entity and future or previous sessions can not be combined with it. If you wish to include multiple dates of service on a claim, you can remove the not submitted claims from the client's chart to create a new claim with all of the dates of service on it. To do this, navigate to the client's chart > Billing > Documents. Click on the Not Submitted claim. When it opens up, click the three dots in the top right hand corner and select Remove.


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