Claims: Individually Submit Claims

Summary: To submit claims electronically, you need to have Insurance Features enabled on your account, review your Insurance settings, add Payer IDs to your payers, and begin Enrollments. You may also need to customize some settings for different payers or practitioners. You may need to wait a few weeks for your enrollments to be completed.

Once your account is setup for electronic claims, you may begin submitting them to payers where you are enrolled through our clearinghouse.

Step 1. Initiate a claim 

You may initiate an electronic claim a couple of ways.

The most common way is to navigate to Clients > [Client Name] > Billing > Documents. Click New... and select Claim.

Create a New Claim
Select services

Note: Eligible services are services from previous sessions that have not already been submitted as electronic claims that also include insurance-reimbursable CPT codes. You may submit claims as an in-network or an out-of-network provider.

You may also create an electronic claim from a relevant bill by clicking on the Create Insurance Claim button.

Create Insurance Claim


Step 2. Select the appropriate plan

You will be prompted to select the client insurance plan you wish to use. Next, click the Create Claim button.

Select Insurance Policy


Step 3. Verify the claim data

Note: If you find yourself changing information here often, you may need to setup a customization for a payer and/or provider.

Verify the claim information

You may edit the billable services including modifiers, any co-pay / co-insurance amount, the location, and the diagnosis.

Edit Service

You may edit insurance information including changing the insurance policy, payer information, and policy information.

Insurance tab

You may edit patient information from the Patient tab.

Patient tab

From the Providers tab you may change Insurance settings for the organization and/or the rendering provider.

Warning: Changing insurance settings from a claim will persist those changes on future claims.

Providers tab


From the Other tab you may change the Accept Assignment value and add additional fields. Most payers require you to accept assignment as it relates to contract rates. It should be checked by default.

Additional Claims Fields

If needed, you may include additional claims fields on a case-by-case basis.

The fields include:

  • Is patient's condition related to
  • Date of current illness, injury, or pregnancy
  • Date patient unable to work
  • Hospital dates related to services
  • Outside Lab
  • Other Provider
  • Referring Provider NPI
  • Prior Authorization Number
  • Patient Account Number
  • Claim Note

Claim Notes

You can also add notes to a claim for logging or relaying important administrative information. The notes section is visible on each claim sub tab.

Claim notes

Once a note has been added, it can be viewed from multiple locations in the app by hovering over the note tooltip.

Claim note tooltip


Step 4. Submit the claim

At the top of the claim you will see a submit button. If you are ready to submit your claim, press Submit.

Submit the Claim

Not Enrolled - If not enrolled for this payer, you will see the Not Enrolled status. Please see our Insurance FAQ article for possible causes here.

Not enrolled message
Submitted message

As your claim processes the lifecycle, you'll be able to check the status and apply payments.


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