Stripe for Online Payments

Setting up Stripe allows you to process payments from your client via Debit, Credit, HSA, or FSA cards. When you click Setup Stripe you will be temporarily redirected to Stripe's website to create or link to an existing Stripe account. We will transfer and autofill as much of the Stripe setup form as possible, but you will need your bank account information available to enable deposits.

Stripe Fee Structure

Stripe collects a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per successful card transaction. There is no fee for issuing a refund. Sessions Health does not add any transaction fees on top of what Stripe charges. Visit Stripe's Pricing Page for more details. 


Credit card errors and declined transactions from Stripe

Please see this article for details.


Accepting HSA and FSA cards

Some HSA and FSA cards will be declined if Stripe or the issuing bank doesn't recognize the charges are healthcare related. By default, Sessions Health sets up a business classification to allow HSA and FSA cards during your account integration, however, some circumstances result in Stripe not recognizing that classification. Please see this article for more details and contact Stripe to ensure your account is setup to receive HSA and FSA cards.

Note: Even if your account is setup to receive HSA and FSA cards, some banks may still decline the charge for their own reasons. Your client may need to contact their banking institution to understand why their card is being declined.



How do I issue a refund to a client?

See our Refund a client payment article on refunding a client in Sessions Health. If you manually refunded a client from your Stripe account, you can run the refund through Sessions Health, too. The system will detect that it's already been refunded within Stripe and mark it as refunded in Sessions Health.

What are the fees for refunding a payment?

For the most up-to-date information, please read Stripe's policy.


Tax forms

Does Sessions Health or Stripe issue a 1099-k for taxes at the end of the year?

If you are using Stripe to process payments through Sessions Health, all tax information is held by Stripe and not by Sessions Health. You have ownership of your Stripe account and can login to your Stripe dashboard to find information about your 1099. You can check out this Stripe 1099 article for more information, as well as information on the criteria for Stripe issuing a 1099-k.  

For accounts that meet the criteria, to download your 1099-K form, first, click on Settings in the upper right corner.


Next, click on Documents under the Reporting and documents column of the Business settings section. If Stripe has issued a 1099-K for your account, you'll see it listed there.

If you don't meet Stripe's criteria for issuing a 1099-K, you can run a Payout Reconciliation report, which displays your income and stripe fees. After logging in to your Stripe Dashboard, visit Reports > Payout Reconciliation.

Payout Reconciliation

From the dropdown, you can select Last Year to see the report for the previous tax year. This report will show the change in balance for the tax year and the fees deducted.




Stripe determines the payout timing of your payments collected through Sessions Health. The first payout Stripe will make into your account will oftentimes take a bit longer (5-7 days). After that, Stripe generally deposits your transactions within 2-4 days. Please note that payment times in Stripe are in the UTC time zone, so they won't always align with your payment dates recorded in Sessions Health.


Stripe connection troubleshooting

Sessions Health uses Stripe to process payments. We integrate with Stripe, but some problems may need to be handled on their website.

You can access to your Stripe Dashboard by logging into your Stripe account at You can access Stripe support at


Changed business name

If you changed your business name, it will need to be updated in Stripe so that the business name and Tax ID match.


Wrong bank account

For incorrect banking information, this Updating existing bank account information article from Stripe's support site may be helpful.


Updating business information in Stripe

You can update that information by going to your Stripe Settings page (click on the gear/cog in top-right corner).

Business Settings


Frequently asked questions

How do we get paid?

If you are using online billing in Sessions Health, all online card payments are processed through Stripe. When you set up online billing in Sessions Health, you are connecting your Sessions Health account to your own Stripe account. If you have a bank account associated with your Stripe account, you will be paid by Stripe directly to your bank account. To change these settings, visit your Stripe dashboard.

Is there any way to play with billing and creating invoices without having to sign up with Stripe?

Yes, you can select other payment type options to test the payment of bills. Those include Offline Credit Card, Cash/Check, Credit/Discount, or Other payment types.

Can I see my Stripe fees in Sessions Health?

We display the full payment amount in Sessions Health. You may visit visit your Stripe dashboard to see payments and Stripe's fee amounts. We also link each Online Payment transaction in Sessions Health to the transaction in Stripe.


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