Superbills: Set Up and Create a Superbill
Configure the superbill payee
Under Billing Settings > Settings > Bill Settings panel, click Edit to set who the superbills should be paid to. The options are: Clinic, Provider, Client, or Not included. This is who the insurance payer should make the payment to.
If the clinic or provider do not collect payment from the client, the superbill payment should be set to Clinic or Provider. If the provider does collect payment from the client, the superbill payment should be set to Client. Additionally, this is not required to be included so you can choose to leave it out.
Create a superbill
- Set up the session(s) you'd like to bill with at least one insurance-eligible service.
Note: If you haven't set up any services yet, you can go to your Billing Settings > Services page to configure them.
When setting an appointment, be sure to select a service with a CPT code. Other services are not eligible for insurance reimbursement and will not be eligible to be included in a superbill.

After your insurance eligible service has occurred, you can go to the Client Billing page to create a new bill from within the Pending section.
- Generate a superbill or have superbills auto-generated.
Manual Creation
From any bill details screen, you may click the '...' menu and select Create Superbill to manually create a superbill. Keep in mind you need to have at least one insurance eligible service, otherwise you won't see the option to create a superbill.
Note: Within the web interface, we display a client's real name. However, once the superbill has been generated as a PDF, we display the client's legal name.

Note: If a bill is in a "Pended" status, you must first save (create) the bill to move it to an "Open" status before generating or sharing a superbill.
You may also create a superbill by going to Clients > [Client Name] > Billing > Documents and clicking the New... button, then select Superbill.

This will take you through the creation process where you can select the insurance eligible services and edit as needed.
Auto-generating superbills
Under the Billing Settings > Settings > Billing Automation panel, you may configure superbills to be automatically created on a specific day of the month. Choose a date that works best for you and how your clients pay. For example, you may want to wait until the 15th of the month to create superbills if you want to give your clients a couple of weeks to make any payments for the previous month's sessions. You can view our Automatically creating superbills article for more details.

Superbills will be generated on the day of the month selected in the dropdown for services completed the prior month. If you want to collect payments from clients before creating superbills so that the superbills reflect their payments, it’s best to delay superbill creation until after the date you'd normally collect payments from your clients.
Example 1: Your superbills are set to be created on the 1st of the month. On July 1st, eligible clients will have superbills created for June date(s) of service (or earlier if applicable).
Example 2: Your superbills are set to be created on the 31st of the month. On July 31st, eligible clients will have superbills created for June date(s) of service (or earlier if applicable).
What will be included on the superbill?
All insurance-eligible services (those tie to CPT codes) that occurred the prior month or earlier will be included.
Note: If you select the 31st, 30th, etc. for superbill creation and a month doesn't have that many days, the superbill creation will run on the last day of the month.