Billing Automation: AutoPay
Billing automation includes the ability to automatically collect payments using the default credit card on file for a client. You must have Stripe configured on your account to run autopay.
First, you will need to enable Autopay in the Billing Automation section of the Billing Settings > Billing tab. This enables the ability to use Autopay across your account but it will still need to be enabled for individual clients. It will not automatically apply to any clients unless you set their individual billing settings to automatically submit payments via AutoPay.
Once AutoPay is enabled in your Billing Automation section, you will then be allowed to enable Autopay for individual clients. You can do this by going to a client's Billing > Settings tab and check the box next to Automatically Submit Payments via AutoPay.

When enabled, Autopay will run daily at 12:30am for any open bills with a client responsibility amount due and a credit card on file from the client or the assigned billing contact. When setting this up nightly, we recommend also setting your bills to be automatically created Daily. If you have Autopay enabled, automatically creating bills daily, and automatically sharing of bill, we recommend setting at least 60 minutes between creating and sharing of bills to allow the autopay process to run first.
Note: AutoPay will attempt to charge the default credit card on file. The default card will be the assigned billing contact's card, if one exists. Otherwise, it will be the client's card, if one exists.
Autopay Pause
Autopay will be paused on a bill if it contains a date of service on an associated claim that requires review. The intention is to prevent clients from being charged incorrectly when an insurance payer adjusts the client owes portion of the claim before the claim has been reviewed.
Autopay Failures
When autopay fails, you will see a failure message on the client's Autopay settings as well as receive a message in the Daily Digest.
After five consecutive autopay failures, autopay will be disabled until the client puts a new card or file. The checkbox under Clients > [Client Name] > Billing > Settings can also be toggled to clear out the error and reenable autopay for the failing card.
Note: Each time there's a payment failure from Autopay, you will see a notification in your Daily Digest email. Please keep an eye out for that email so you may follow up with your clients regarding any failed payments.
Autopay is not working for my client. Why not?
You can check a few areas to ensure Autopay is setup appropriately:
- Confirm you have Autopay enabled in Billing Settings > Billing Automation.
- Confirm your Stripe account is setup in Billing Settings > Online Payments. There should be a green check mark next to both Enabled and Verified.
- Confirm you have a valid credit card on file for the client or the assigned billing contact if one exists.
- Confirm you have Autopay enabled in the Online Payment Methods section of the client's Billing > Settings tab.
- Confirm you have an open bill for the client (bill has been created and not paid).
- Confirm you have a client responsibility portion amount due on the bill.
Can I split payments for a bill using Autopay?
Currently, you cannot split payments using two or more credit cards with Autopay. You will need to manually split payments to a bill.