Superbills: FAQ
Frequently asked questions
Does the payment matter when generating a superbill?
You can use any payment type options (i.e. offline credit card, cash/check, etc.) and still be able to generate superbills.
How do I deliver monthly statements to my clients?
If your client does not need to submit a superbill to an insurance payer and who prefer a statement for their own records, you can see our create a billing statement article.
How can I change my organization's name or address on my superbills?
By default, superbills will use the name and primary address in the Account Settings > Business Information section. You may customize the name and address on superbills by going to the Billing Settings > Billing > Bill Settings section.

Why can't I make a superbill or why aren't superbills being generated from my sessions?
If you're using auto-billing features, first you'd want to double-check that any clients have the superbill feature turned on at the client-level. The way the automated superbill feature works is that it will look for any eligible services in the previous month and prior to add to the superbill.
The critical piece in generating superbills is that services in the bill must have at least one eligible CPT code for a superbill to be created. You can check for eligible services by looking at either the bill or the appointment and checking to see if there are any CPT codes tied to the services.
If you imported sessions from another EHR, they would not have services tied to a CPT code within Sessions Health and would not get picked up by the automated superbill feature.
In the appointment below, there is a CPT code tied to the service.

Once you create the bill, a superbill is able to be generated since there is an eligible service with a CPT code.

How do I add a diagnosis to a superbill? Why is it missing?
Superbills pull in the diagnoses that are linked to your session notes. Since diagnoses can change over time, each session note takes a snapshot of the current diagnosis once the note is signed/completed. If a diagnosis is missing from the superbill, it's likely that it wasn't assigned at the time the session occurred. You may edit the diagnosis directly when creating the superbill.